So this week has definitely been fun. We've been to the pool a couple of days and there's been a little bit of shopping (mommy has to have some new things for Mexico)!! While at the pool on Wednesday Jarod had to be 'rescued' by the lifeguard. (HUGE EMBARRASEMENT). He was following his friend who is a foot taller - and just stepped a step to far. I was right behind him, but he was right under the lifeguard who couldn't see me right there. She jumped in and I was less than an arms length away. Ugh it was terrible (for me not Jarod..)
Yesterday I took my van into the shop to have a maintenance check done. I'm driving for the girls trip and I wanted to make sure it was road trip ready. Of course they called me and told me all these things are wrong with it - total cost to fix over $700. Begin the freak out!! So I called my dad and asked him if he'd help Jake look at all the things the shop said were wrong (meanwhile pricing the parts at Autozone to find that parts alone were less than $150). So this morning we've been over at my parents while Jake and my dad look at the car. Only thing wrong: needs new rear brake pads (hmmm I already knew that)... Lucky for me my dad has always worked on his own vehicles! He was a bit upset that they had tried to 'swindle' me. I'm mad too! I took it there b/c it's been in before and they did a great job!
On Thursday afternoon the girls trip will officially commence! I'm really getting very excited. I bought a new swim suit and I'll be going for an outfit for our evening of Salsa dancing. WOOHOO!! BEACH HERE I COME!!
I need to take new pictures of my plants - as it's been a month since the first set - for comparision of course. All are still surviving except one lousy daisy (I had 2 - they are VERY particular!!) Pictures of that coming soon.
Wish I had something funny or note worthy to report... but since I don't... I'll stop rambling.
Birth Week of 1(1) Bennett Cox
8 years ago
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