I took Zachary to the gym one morning (this was his first time). He was fully dressed (that hardly ever happens) minus one article of wear - shoes. The nice lady tells me she will let him come in today but in the future he's got to have shoes on. No problem.. I love buying shoes. So for his birthday (sort of late) we hit the shoe store and find the most adorable little shoes.
The following took place when we got him home and put his shoes on:
Now I'm not a proponent of 'crying' pictures... I don't think it's nice.. but this was just to classic to miss:
Please don't think I'm a bad mom.. moments later:
The shoes get put on the dresser - only to be brought out on the 'special' occasion of going to the gym. I sign him in and set him down... 45 minutes later the kid hasn't moved.
I'd like to say the situation has improved.. but I'd be lying. If he has his shoes on in the car - he screams... if he has them on in the house - he screams. I bought him Converse softies - and he tolerates them but in the car he pulls at them and screams.
So I ask: Who needs shoes???? Well evidently if they are MOMMY shoes they are OK...
Silly boy!
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