Ignore the 'timeline' as it's off - I'm just finishing up the post that I started last week...
Really I haven't got a lot to say about the long weekend - mostly I was just going to jabber about various things this past week.
We had a great time at my moms house last weekend. We spent all day Saturday at the lake. Jarod wanted to go ride on a boat soooo badly! But DJ showed up later in the afternoon fishing license and rod in hand and so they went fishing. DJ caught 3 little catfish and Jarod thought that was GREAT. However, the best part were the worms. Jarod took to two of the longest worms in the tub and well - put them through the ringer and had lots of fun talking to them and giving them instructions. Then when it was time to leave - he didn't want to leave them behind. My mother and sister were appalled that I let him bring his 'pets' along for the ride home.. In the car he put them on his blanket and was telling them to go to sleep now (my mother was making snide comments about 'that's the only thing those worms can do now' - meaning they were already dead dead dead). Then he was telling them to wake up and was rolling them around in his hands. It was really a complete riot! I attempted to get him to give me his pets by bribing him with Dairy Queen ice cream - even ice cream wasn't enough temptation to give those worms to me. Finally though he did give in and he traded me his worms for ice cream. Such a BOY!! Fast forward to the current week and he's been asking for worms. So we were at the grocery store and I bought gummy worms. I kept telling him he could eat these worms... and he's telling me 'no mommy'. I told him again when I put him in his car seat that he could eat the worms that they were yummy - he proceeds to tell the worms 'don't worry worms I won't bite you'. I don't know where the kid comes up with this stuff.
We've had a houseful of sickness. The first wave came in the form of ear infections for both boys. Zachary was up ALL night one night so I took him in and drug Jarod with me. So the doc looks at his ears and yep he's got an ear infection. As we were leaving Jarod said 'hey what about looking in my ears'. So she said 'ok I can look'. Then of course he didn't want to let her - but I made him let her and he had one too. Then Monday Zach was acting and sounding still sick. I called the doc and she wasn't terribly concerned so I decided to just wait it out. Tuesday night he was up all night again so back we go (I draw the line at being awake all night). While I was waiting for the doctor I noticed that the left side of his face was completely swollen. I have ZERO idea how I missed that. It was also hard as a golf ball right under his jaw. The doctor thinks it's just an infection in his lymph node there. She gave him a stronger antibotic and had us come back on Friday. He slept Wednesday night and on Thursday was acting way more like himself. His swelling also looked like it was going down and his fever hadn't been so constant. So when we went in she looked him over and double checked her 'books' and said she still thinks it's just an infection and to watch it. Yesterday I sort of freaked out b/c his swelling was back and he was being a cuddle buddy again - but today he's back to being more normal. We'll see how it goes. In the meantime of all that - Jacob decides that he's got to get sick too and came home on Thursday with flu-like symptoms. He stayed home from work Friday and Saturday but didn't have much choice and went back today. I think he's feeling better though - I'm just hoping whatever he had doesn't spread.
Last night Sarah convinced me that we should go to the NM State Fair. I really love the fair - but I'm TERRIFIED of taking my children and loosing them in the crowds. Zach stayed home with Jake (a nice combination they could cuddle each other) and I took Jarod. I told him we were going to go to the fair on the bus when DJ got home (keep in mind he doesn't know what the fair is - he does know bus and he can't wait til DJ comes over). So DJ pulls up and Jarod sees him out the window and runs out and tells him 'common DJ lets go to the fair on the bus'. Of course it was way faster that anyone could make out except for me who'd been telling him for an hour we had to wait for DJ. Jarod thought the bus ride was GREAT! We went straight to the animals and saw bunnies, chickens, horses, cows and sheep (we couldn't find the pigs and Sarah's allergies were so bad by that point that she made us leave the animal area). Jarod stayed in his stroller except to pet the horses. And I'm pleased to report I didn't loose him once! LOL We went to the indian villiage where there was great food, music and dancing. Jarod found a new food to love - beans... from my Navajo indian taco. When we were close to home he says to me 'mommy I'm tired can we go home and go to bed'. Sheesh it only takes a $40 trip to the fair to tire out my kid.
This weekend we have planned to go down to the lake. Rebecca turns 16 on the 21st and has started working at the marina. Part of being employeed there is she gets to rent any type boat she wants. She's going to have her birthday party on a house boat and then on Saturday take out a speed boat and go skiing with some of her friends that I'm taking down with me. It should be fun! I can't wait for Jarod to FINALLY be able to ride in a boat.
Wow! That was a handful! Sorry it's so long.... Enjoy the pictures.
Birth Week of 1(1) Bennett Cox
8 years ago
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