Well I've got loads of updating to do... which shouldn't be a big problem now that I'm officially in the ranks of the unemployed. Should one really be kind of excited for such an event??? I mean really????
I suppose while I'm on the subject.. after much, much reflection and various other activities... Jake and I are going to be attending a 'class' later this month which will hopefully be the first step in being licensed through the state to be treatment foster parents. Now - why on earth would we embark on such an adventure? I just CAN'T put the boys in day-care (even though I have a wonderful babysitter who watches Jarod a couple days a week already). When I say can't.. it's literal. Doing treatment foster care compensates very well. It's a lot of work - a lot of appointments and such but it will also give me an opportunity to do something for someone in need. (BTW - in case you don't know treatment foster care children have a mental disability of some sort and they will live with us and be part of our family). It's something that I feel really good about doing and it fits the requirements needed for our family. After the class (really a very extended interview) the licensing will proceed (or not if they decide we aren't functional enough) and take about 6 weeks to complete. Then we just wait and see. Truly I'm excited for the next stages of my life and I feel very blessed to be at such peace with everything that's going on.
So onto others.. Jarod turned 3 on Christmas day (talk about someone who could NOT wait for his birthday).. Pictures to uploaded soon. On Christmas Eve day he decided that wearing underwear would work. I could scream from the rooftops I'm so excited!!! (In-lieu of the rooftops I'll use the world wide web). We are still working on one 'area' of potty use... but who cares?! It's great!!!
I feel like I shouldn't leave out Zachary... He's doing well.. minus the talking thing. He shows no signs of being 'premature'... except in speech. As of yet we don't know if he's delayed or just doesn't talk. He does however point and screech.. His vocabulary includes momma and dada (of course), uh oh, papa and a version of thank you. Mostly the boy is a little pistol. If anyone thinks for one second the kid will not be able to hold his own against Jarod - think again!
So stay tuned in the next couple of days for more posts (pictures) about the holidays, birthday and such.
Welcome 2009!!
Birth Week of 1(1) Bennett Cox
8 years ago
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